Visi, Misi


To become a pioneer and reformer institution in the field of economic and business education with an international reputation and based on Indonesian culture.


  1. Organizing economics and business education based on awareness of divinity, humanity, environment, entrepreneurship, and Indonesian culture;
  2. Developing economics and business knowledge through innovative research based on local and universal values;
  3. Organizing community service that inspires and enlightens local and global communities.

Objectives :

  1. Generate graduates in economics and business who possess outstanding academic capability, good character, entrepreneurial spirit, and are versatile enough to compete at the national and international levels;
  2. Produce scientific works in economics and business that are beneficial and exceptional at the national and international levels based on cultural values;
  3. Produce community service projects in the economic and business fields that are feasible and beneficial to the community.
  4. Organizing accountable, effective, efficient, up-to-date, and integrated management for the faculty of economics and business so that they are able compete at the national and international levels.